Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 3/22/2024

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Thread Start Information

Occurs when the Intel Inspector detects the creation of a thread. This problem is really informational feedback useful for confirming the number and location of threads created during application execution and data collection.

You should expect at least two such messages when inspecting a multithreaded application. If the Intel Inspector reports only one such message for a multithreaded application, you may be executing the application on a single core machine where the application creates, by default, the same number of threads as cores. If this is the case, increase the number of threads generated by the application in order to use the full range of the Intel Inspector capabilities.


Intel Inspector may be able to detect the creation of a thread but not the start or creation site.

Problem type: Thread start information


Code Location



Creation site

Represents the location and call stack where a thread was created.


Start site

Represents the location where the thread started execution.