Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 3/22/2024

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Run the specified type of analysis and collect data.


-collect <analysis_type>

-c <analysis_type>

  • Both short names and long names are case-sensitive. For example, -c is the short name of the collect action, and -C is the short name of the command action.

  • To duplicate an analysis performed in the Intel Inspector GUI: Use the Command Line button on the Analysis Type window panes to copy the exact command to the clipboard.


Memory error analysis types

Analysis type code Description

Memory error analysis that answers the question Does my target leak memory?


Memory error analysis that answers the question Does my target have memory access problems?


Memory error analysis that answers the question Where are the memory access problems?

Threading error analysis_types

Analysis type code Description

Threading error analysis that answers the question Does my target have deadlocks?


Threading error analysis that answers the question Does my target have deadlocks or data races?


Threading error analysis that answers the question Where are the deadlocks or data races?


Use the collect action to run a memory or threading error analyis.

  • The result is stored in the specified or default-named r@@@{at} result directory in the current working directory, where @@@ represents the next available number and {at} represents the analysis type with preset configuration.

  • Finalization occurs automatically unless overridden.

  • By default, a Summary report is displayed to stdout and written to a .txt file in the current working directory.


This command:

  • Runs a Detect Deadlocks and Data Races (ti2) analysis on the application myApp.

  • Stores the result in the default r@@@ti2 result directory in the current working directory, where @@@ represents the next available number.

  • Generates a summary report of detected problems, and writes it to the inspxe-cl.txt file in the result directory.

$ inspxe-cl -collect ti2 -- myApp

This command performs the same type of analysis as that above, but exits without finalizing the result or generating a summary report.

$ inspxe-cl -c ti2 -no-auto-finalize -- myApp