Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 3/22/2024

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Document Table of Contents

Reporting Result Data from the Command Line

After performing an Intel Inspector analysis, data is collected into a result that can be viewed in the GUI or used to generate a report from the command line. By default, a report is written to stdout in text format, but the inspxe-cl command provides a number of options you can use when generating a report.

Report Types

The report action can be used with the following report types:

Brief statement of the total number of problems detected during analysis, with a breakdown by problem type. After each collect or collect-with action, a summary report is generated by default, sent to stdout and also saved as an XML file in the current working directory.
Brief statement of the total number of problems detected in the result, with a breakdown by problem state.
Detailed report of detected problem sets, including their location in the source code, such as the problem type, severity, module and line number.
Detailed report of all code locations (observations) included in defined problem sets, such as the allocation site, function, module and line number.

Report Process Summary

  1. Set up the inspxe-cl command environment.

  2. Invoke the inspxe-cl command with the collect or collect-with action to inspect the application.

  3. Invoke the inspxe-cl command with the report action to generate a report of detected problems.

Report Process Example

  1. Open the command prompt window.


    You can open a command prompt window and use the following command to run the script that establishes Intel Inspector environment settings: C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Intel\oneAPI\setvars.bat.

  2. In a command window, inspect the myApp application for memory problems and store the result in the myRes007mi2 directory in the current working directory:

    inspxe-cl-collect mi2 -result-dir myRes007mi2 -- myApp


    • mi2 is the short name for the Detect Memory Problems analysis type.

    • If you do not supply an absolute pathname for the application, system path environment settings are used to locate it.

  3. Print to stdout a list of new memory problems found in the myRes007mi2 result:

    inspxe-cl-report problems -result-dir myRes007mi2

Status Report Example

Generate a status report for the specified result and display it to standard out. -R is the short name of the -report action, and -r is the short name of the -result-dir action.

$ inspxe-cl -R status -r myRes007mi2

The output status report:

181 problem(s) found
15 Investigated
166 Not investigated
Breakdown by state:
13 Confirmed
2 Fixed
166 New

Next Step

Interpret result data.