4.2.1. Synchronous FIFO Port Descriptions
Port | Type | Required | Description |
clock | Input | Yes | Positive-edge-triggered clock. |
data | Input | Yes | Holds the data to be written in the FIFO when the wrreq signal is asserted. The port width is equal to the DATA_WIDTH parameter. |
wrreq | Input | Yes | Assert this signal to request for a write operation. Ensure that the following conditions are met:
rdreq | Input | Yes | Assert this signal to request for a read operation. The rdreq signal acts differently in normal mode and show-ahead mode. Ensure that the following conditions are met:
sclr/aclr | Input | No | Assert this signal to clear all the output status ports, but the effect on the q output may vary for different FIFO configurations. |
q | Output | Yes | Shows the data read from the read request operation. The width of the q port must be equal to the width of the data port. The port width is equal to the DATA_WIDTH parameter. |
full |
Output | No | When asserted, the FIFO is considered full. Do not perform write request operation when the FIFO is full. |
empty |
Output | No | When asserted, the FIFO is considered empty. Do not perform read request operation when the FIFO is empty. |
almost_full | Output | No | Asserted when the usedw signal is greater than or equal to the ALMOST_FULL_VALUE parameter. It is used as an early indication of the full signal. |
almost_empty | Output | No | Asserted when the usedw signal is lesser than the ALMOST_EMPTY_VALUE parameter. It is used as an early indication of the empty signal. |
usedw |
Output | No | Show the number of words stored in the FIFO. Port width must be equal to the ADDR_WIDTH parameter. |
byteena | Input | Yes | Byte enable port at Port A to masks the data_a port so that only specific bits of data are written to the memory. This port is enabled in FIFO because the simple RAM supports data with BYTE_SIZE. |