AN 988: Using the Board-Aware Flow: in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software

ID 757339
Date 1/09/2023

2.4.4. Step 4: Create a Design Using Board and Preset Files

Once you create board and preset files, you can use these files to create a design that is appropriately configured for the target board. The following steps describe adding a new instance of the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA that derives parameters from the pio_led preset and targets the same Intel Agilex F-Series Development Kit board.
  1. View the Clock Bridge Intel® FPGA IP, Reset Bridge Intel® FPGA IP, and PIO Intel® FPGA IP components in Platform Designer's System View.
  2. Right-click the PIO Intel® FPGA IP (pio_0) in the System View, and then click Remove.
  3. In the IP Catalog, click the Board tab.
  4. Under the Intel Agilex F-Series FPGA Development Kit DK-DEV-AGF014EA board, click NIOSV to expand the niosv_fseries_fpga_dev_kit_ocm_boot IP preset name. Click the IP preset name to show Nios V/m Processor Intel FPGA IP.
    Figure 19. IP and Presets in Board Tab

  5. Double-click Nios V/m Processor Intel FPGA IP. The IP Parameter Editor opens.
  6. In the parameter editor Preset tab, double-click the preset name to apply to the selected IP (or click Apply in the Preset tab). The parameter editor displays the Preset tab with the active niosv_fseries_fpga_dev_kit_ocm_boot preset in bold.
    Figure 20. Active Preset in Bold

  7. Click Finish to add the preset IP to the system.
  8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to add the following IP with presets to the system. For the PIO Intel® FPGA IP, the external connection interface exports automatically per the pio_led preset.
    Table 2.  IP Components with Presets to Add to System
    Component Category IP Name IP Preset Name
    PIO PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel® FPGA IP pio_led
    OCM On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) Intel® FPGA IP ocm_fseries_fpga_dev_kit
    JTAG-UART JTAG UART Intel® FPGA IP juart_fseries_fpga_dev_kit
  9. Make connections between the following component ports in the System View tab by clicking inside an open connection circle. When you make a connection, Platform Designer changes the connection line to black, and fills the connection circle. Clicking a filled-in circle removes the connection:
    Table 3.  System Connections
    Source Component/Signal Target Component/Signal





















    Figure 21. Completed System Connections

  10. To clear the remaining system warnings, assign the missing base addresses by clicking System > Assign Base Addresses.
  11. Click File > Save to save the system.
  12. Click the Generate > Generate HDL and generate the HDL for the system using default settings in the Generation dialog box.
  13. When HDL generation completes, close Platform Designer.