AN 988: Using the Board-Aware Flow: in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software

ID 757339
Date 1/09/2023

2.3.3. Accessing Online Design Examples

You can create a new project based on a design example that you access from an online repository. To use this method, you may need to specify a proxy server for access and the download path.

To create a new project based on an online design example, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
  2. Click File > Open Example Project. The Design Example page of the New Project Wizard opens.
  3. Under What is the working directory for this project?, specify the directory location to store your project files.
  4. Click the More Settings button. The Options dialog box opens with the Internet Connectivity tab open by default.
    Figure 6. Intel Quartus Prime Software Internet Connectivity Settings

  5. If your internet connection requires a proxy server (using VPN), turn on the Access online design examples using a proxy server option, and then specify your proxy Address, Port, User name, and Password. If your internet connection does not require a proxy server, skip this step.
  6. On the Design Example Search Locations tab, specify the Download path for download of the design example .par file.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Under Find Options, specify the following settings:
    1. In Load from, select Online design examples.
    2. In Family, select Agilex.
    3. In Intel Quartus Prime version, select 22.4.
    4. In Development kit, select Intel Agilex F-Series FPGA Development Kit DK-DEV-AGF014EA.
  9. In the design example list, select the Agilex -NIOSV OCM to OCM design.
    Figure 7. Online Agilex -NIOSV OCM to OCM Design

  10. Click Next, and then click Finish. The Agilex -NIOSV OCM to OCM design extracts to the working directory and opens in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.