AN 988: Using the Board-Aware Flow: in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software

ID 757339
Date 1/09/2023

2.4.3. Step 3: Create IP Presets for the Board

To create preset parameter settings that are appropriate for the target board, follow these steps:
  1. In Platform Designer IP Catalog, click the IP tab and type pio to search for the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel® FPGA IP.
  2. Double-click the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP name in IP Catalog. The IP parameter editor appears.
  3. Specify the following parameter values in the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP parameter editor:
    • Width (1-32 bits)—enter 4.
    • Direction—select Output.
    • Output Register—turn on Enable individual bit setting/clearing.
    Figure 16. PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP Parameter Editor

  4. In the Presets pane, click the New button. The New Preset dialog box appears (alternatively, click View > Presets).
  5. Specify the following options to identify the new preset:
    • Preset name—enter pio_led.
    • Preset description—enter presets for pio outputs.
    • Category—enter PIO.
      Note: The Board option displays the target board from the project settings.
    Figure 17. New Preset Dialog Box

  6. View the Parameter Settings tab. The parameter values already reflect the parameter values that you set in 3.
  7. To specify pin location and I/O standard assignments for the preset, click the Pin Assignments tab.
  8. Enable the external_connection interface checkbox and type led in the Exported Name cell. The led_export[n] prefix automatically replaces all port names of the interface.
  9. For the led_export[n] ports, specify the following Pin Locations and I/O Standard.
    • led_export[0]—Pin location PIN_B31, IO standard 1.2V
    • led_export[1]—Pin location PIN_D31, IO standard 1.2V
    • led_export[2]—Pin location PIN_A30, IO standard 1.2V
    • led_export[3]—Pin location PIN_C30, IO standard 1.2V
    Figure 18. Pin Assignments Tab of Presets Pane

    Note: Alternatively, you can populate the pin assignments by specifying the provided pio_pin.tcl file for the Pin Constraint File option.
  10. Click the Save button to save the IP preset file.
  11. Click Finish to generate the PIO IP and add to the system.
    Note: You can now reuse this preset file for projects targeting this board and IP.