OPAE Intel FPGA Linux Device Driver Architecture Guide

ID 683857
Date 10/02/2017
Document Table of Contents

1.1.11. FME IOCTLs

IOCTLs that are called on an open file descriptor for /dev/intel-fpga-fme.j

FPGA_GET_API_VERSION—return the current version as an integer, starting from 0.

FPGA_CHECK_EXTENSION—not currently supported.

FPGA_FME_PORT_RELEASE—arg is a pointer to a:

struct fpga_fme_port_release { 
	__u32 argsz; // in: sizeof(struct fpga_fme_port_release) 
	__u32 flags; // in: must be 0 
	__u32 port_id; // in: port ID (from 0) to release. 
FPGA_FME_PORT_ASSIGN—arg is a pointer to a:

struct fpga_fme_port_assign { 
	__u32 argsz; // in: sizeof(struct fpga_fme_port_assign) 
	__u32 flags; // in: must be 0 
	__u32 port_id; // in: port ID (from 0) to assign. (must have been previously released by FPGA_FME_PORT_RELEASE) 

FPGA_FME_PORT_PR—arg is a pointer to a:

struct fpga_fme_port_pr { 
	__u32 argsz; // in: sizeof(struct fpga_fme_port_pr) 
	__u32 flags; // in: must be 0 
	__u32 port_id; // in: port ID (from 0) 
	__u32 buffer_size; // in: size of bitstream buffer in bytes. Must be 4-byte aligned. 
	__u64 buffer_address; // in: process address of bitstream buffer 
	__u64 status; // out: error status (bitmask) 