Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 8/01/2023

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7.2. Defining Logic Lock Placement Constraints

A Logic Lock region is a powerful type of logic placement and routing constraint. You can define any arbitrary region of physical resources on the target device as a Logic Lock region, and then assign design nodes and other properties to the region. When you constrain design nodes to a Logic Lock region, the Fitter always places those nodes within the region resulting in more predictable results with each design iteration.

Your floorplan can contain multiple Logic Lock regions, depending on your design characteristics. You can also define a routing region as part of a Logic Lock region. The routing region specifies the routing area constraint.

The Chip Planner makes it easy to visualize and constrain device resources within a device floorplan. You can draw or specify the dimensions of a Logic Lock region in the floorplan using the Logic Lock Regions window. After running synthesis or fitting, you can then assign design nodes as members of the region to implement the constraint.

Figure 105. u_blinking_led Logic Lock Region Defined in Chip Planner

To detect and resolve any potential problems with Logic Lock regions in your project, click Report DRC to run the Design Assistant to check for the FLP rule category. FLP Design Assistant rules detect possible issues with floorplanning and Logic Lock regions.

Figure 106. Floorplanning (FLP) Design Assistant Rules