Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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5.1.3. Intellectual Property (IP) Cores Licenses

You only need to purchase a full production license for licensed Intel® FPGA IP cores after completing hardware testing and you are ready to use the IP in production. The rest of the time, you can use the Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode feature to evaluate IP cores.

You must purchase the license and generate a full production license key before you can generate an unrestricted device programming file. During Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode, the Quartus® Prime Compiler only generates a time-limited device programming file (<project name>_time_limited.sof) that expires at the time limit.

Intel® licenses IP cores on a per-seat, perpetual basis. The license fee includes first-year maintenance and support. You must renew the maintenance contract to receive updates, bug fixes, and technical support beyond the first year.

Purchase a license through your local sales office or distributor. Intel® FPGA partners can deliver third-party IP cores for evaluation with the appropriate license.

Important: IPs that require no-cost licenses are supported for license auto-fetching during Quartus® Prime Pro Editionsoftware compilation during synthesis stage. For more information, refer to Method 3: Auto-Fetching During Quartus Prime Pro Edition Compilation Process.