Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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5.10.2. Upgrading the FLEXlm License Manager Server Software

To support network licensing, the Intel® FPGA software requires the FLEXlm license manager server software version or later. The installation process for Quartus® Prime software installs the FLEXlm software version However, you should also verify that the FLEXlm software version of the license server is
On the license server running the FLEXlm software, type at a command prompt:
<FLEXlm system directory>\lmgrd -v
<FLEXlm system directory>\alterad -v
/<FLEXlm system directory>/lmgrd -v
/<FLEXlm system directory>/alterad -v

Starting from the Quartus® Prime software version 24.1, version of the lmgrd or alterad daemon is If the lmgrd or alterad daemons on your system is not version, you must upgrade both daemons with the versions that the Quartus® Prime software provides.


You can only have one vendor daemon running at a time on a single system. For example, alterad and saltd can co-exist, but you cannot have two running daemons of alterad. If you have an Intel FPGA software license and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition Software license, and also have other Siemens EDA* QuestaSim* software license. You can either merge all of them into a single file or put all Siemens EDA* QuestaSim* software licenses in a single file. If you do the later, you need to remove the VENDOR saltd line from the Intel FPGA software license file. You cannot have Siemens EDA* licenses across two files for the same license server.

If a soft reload through the lmutil lmreread command failed, shut down the current license daemons before reloading them again.

Warning: If your FLEXlm software version is too old, you might observe errors. Refer to for more information.

To upgrade an older version of the FLEXlm software:

  1. Make a backup copy of your current lmgrd and alterad daemons.
  2. Copy the new versions of the files to the license server over your current daemons.

    If you installed the FLEXlm software using the Quartus® Prime installer, the current versions of the lmgrd and alterad daemons are in:

  3. Restart the FLEXlm license server by typing at a command prompt:
    <FLEXlm system directory>\lmutil lmdown -c <license file path>
    <FLEXlm system directory>\lmgrd -c <license file path>[-l <optional log path>]
    /<FLEXlm system directory>/lmutil lmdown -c <license file path>
    /<FLEXlm system directory>/lmgrd -c <license file path> [-l <optional log path>]