Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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Document Table of Contents Downloading Copyleft Licensed Software

The Intel® FPGA Download Center also supports downloading some of the copyleft licensed software that are required for FPGA development. Follow these steps to download copyleft-licensed software:
  1. Access the product download page and ensure that you have installed the Quartus® Prime software. If not, then download the Quartus® Prime software installation files and device files as described in Downloading Software and Device Support Files.
  2. Select the Copyleft Licensed Source tab.
  3. Download the desired software you want to install.
    Attention: Wait for all the files to download completely before beginning installation. Intel recommends verifying the sha1sum <filename> to ensure the file downloaded completely. The sha1 value should match with that mentioned on the webpage.

To install the files, refer to Installing from .tar Files.