Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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Document Table of Contents Specifying a Network License Server in the Quartus® Prime Software

  1. Start the Quartus® Prime software.
    If the License Setup Required dialog box opens, select If you have a valid license file, specify the location of your license file, and click OK.
  2. Click Tools > License Setup.
  3. In the License file box, specify the port and location of the licensing server, and then click OK.

    Use the <port>@<hostname> notation, where <port> is the license port number and <hostname> is the server’s host name.

    Note: Separate multiple license servers and node locking license files with ":" (Linux) or ";" (Windows).
Alternatively, you can specify the license file location by using the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. However, the location that you specify in the License Setup dialog box supersedes LM_LICENSE_FILE.
Note: If you are using the legacy Quartus II software version 7.2 or earlier, you must also use a software guard. Attach the software guard to a parallel or USB port on your computer.