Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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5.1.4. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite License (Intel FPGA Edition)

The Siemens EDA* (formerly Mentor Graphics) Verification IP Suite (Intel FPGA Edition) provides bus functional models for simulation and verification. This software requires a license file.

If you are using a legacy version of Quartus II software (prior to version 12.1) and want to upgrade your software, you must regenerate your license file before continuing to use the Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite (Intel FPGA Edition) Bus Functional Models (BFMs) and Inline Monitor (Siemens EDA* Verification IP Suite (Intel FPGA Edition)) for AXI4.

Note: The Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite License (Intel FPGA Edition) no longer supports the AXI3 BFM.

To access Siemens EDA* Verification IP Suite (Intel FPGA Edition) with the Quartus® Prime Lite Edition software, you must upgrade to version 12.1 or higher and purchase seat licenses by contacting your Intel sales representative.