Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 9/30/2024

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Document Table of Contents Launching the Licensing Server

The Quartus® Prime software administers licensing for single or multiple users in a network installation with the FLEXlm license manager software.

The requisites to configure a new license server are:

  • System administration (Administrator) privileges.
  • A valid license.dat license file.
  • (Linux only) To run the FLEXlm lmgrd license server manager, make sure that the /usr/tmp directory exists.
To launch a new license server:
At a command prompt, type:
  • Windows*
    <installation-directory>\bin64\lmgrd -c \path\to\license.dat
  • Linux:
    <installation-directory>/linux/lmgrd -c /path/to/license.dat
For more information about using the license manager server, refer to Configuring the License Manager Server.