Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471007402
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471007402
1.2.1. Create a Project and Apply Constraints
The example creates a project with a Tcl script and applies project constraints using the tutorial design files in the < Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory> /qdesigns/fir_filter/ directory.
project_new filtref -overwrite # Assign family, device, and top-level file set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Arria 10" set_global_assignment -name DEVICE <Device> set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE filtref.v # Assign pins set_location_assignment -to clk Pin_28 set_location_assignment -to clkx2 Pin_29 set_location_assignment -to d[0] Pin_139 set_location_assignment -to d[1] Pin_140 # project_close
Save the script in a file called setup_proj.tcl and type the commands illustrated in the example at a command prompt to create the design, apply constraints, compile the design, and perform fast-corner and slow-corner timing analysis. Timing analysis results are saved in two files, filtref_sta_1.rpt and filtref_sta_2.rpt.
quartus_sh -t setup_proj.tcl quartus_syn filtref quartus_fit filtref quartus_asm filtref quartus_sta filtref --model=fast --export_settings=off mv filtref_sta.rpt filtref_sta_1.rpt quartus_sta filtref --export_settings=off mv filtref_sta.rpt filtref_sta_2.rpt
Type the following commands to create the design, apply constraints, and compile the design, without performing timing analysis:
quartus_sh -t setup_proj.tcl quartus_sh --flow compile filtref
The quartus_sh --flow compile command performs a full compilation, and is equivalent to clicking the Start Compilation button in the toolbar.