GPIO Intel® FPGA IP User Guide: Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Devices

ID 683136
Date 1/25/2022

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To migrate your ALTDDIO_IN, ALTDDIO_OUT, ALTDDIO_BIDIR, and ALTIOBUF IP cores to the GPIO Intel® FPGA IP IP core, follow these steps:

  1. Open your ALTDDIO_IN, ALTDDIO_OUT, ALTDDIO_BIDIR, or ALTIOBUF IP core in the IP Parameter Editor.
  2. In the Currently selected device family, select Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX .
  3. Click Finish to open the GPIO IP Parameter Editor.
    The IP Parameter Editor configures the GPIO IP core settings similar to the ALTDDIO_IN, ALTDDIO_OUT, ALTDDIO_BIDIR, or ALTIOBUF core settings.
  4. If there are any incompatible settings between the two, select new supported settings.
  5. Click Finish to regenerate the IP core.
  6. Replace your ALTDDIO_IN, ALTDDIO_OUT, ALTDDIO_BIDIR, or ALTIOBUF IP core instantiation in RTL with the GPIO IP core.
Note: The GPIO IP core port names may not match the ALTDDIO_IN, ALTDDIO_OUT, ALTDDIO_BIDIR, or ALTIOBUF IP core port names. Therefore, simply changing the IP core name in the instantiation may not be sufficient.