Intel® Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Remote System Update User Guide

ID 683021
Date 2/23/2024

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3.2.1. RSU Image Sub-Partitions Layout

The RSU Image Sub-Partitions Layout table shows the layout of RSU image stored in QSPI flash.

If you anticipate changes to the factory image, you may consider reserving additional memory space. By default, the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programming File Generator reserves additional 256 kB of memory space for a factory image. To increase the partition size, update the End Address value in the Edit Partition dialog box window as described in the Generating the Initial RSU Image.

Note: If the new factory image has a size bigger than the allocated partition size, it overwrites the SPT and CPB blocks next to it, causing the decision firmware unable to read the CPB correctly and fall back to the factory image during subsequent reconfiguration.
Table 3.  RSU Image Sub-Partitions Layout
Flash Offset Size (in bytes) Contents Sub-Partition Name
0 K 256 K Decision firmware BOOT_INFO
256 K 256 K Decision firmware
512 K 256 K Decision firmware
768 K 256 K Decision firmware
1 M 8 K + 24 K pad Decision firmware data
1 M+32 K 32 K Reserved for SDM
1 M+64 K Varies Factory image FACTORY_IMAGE
Next 4 K + 28 K or 60 K pad Sub-partition table (copy 0) SPT0
Next 4 K + 28 K or 60 K pad Sub-partition table (copy 1) SPT1
Next 4 K + 28 K or 60 K pad Pointer block (copy 0) CPB0
Next 4 K + 28 K or 60 K pad Pointer block (copy 1) CPB1
Varies Varies Application image 1 You assign
Varies Varies Application image 2 You assign
Note: When the PUF feature is used, two more 32 K blocks are required for storing PUF data. For more information about PUF and the detailed flash layout, refer to the Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide.
Note: The default SPT and CPB size is 32 K (4 K data + 28 K pad). Optionally, the size of SPT and CPB can be configured to be 64 K (4 K data + 60 K pad).

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Programming File Generator allows you to create many user partitions. These partitions can contain application images and other items such as the Second Stage Boot Loader (SSBL), Linux* kernel, or Linux* root file system.

When you create the initial flash image, you can create up to seven partitions for application images. There are no limitations on creating empty partitions.