Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Annotation Report

To access this window, in the Result tab, click the Annotation Report button. Alternatively, if you are using the Advisor Workflow tab, click the button below 2. Annotate Sources or 5. Add Parallel Framework.

The Annotation Report window lists all annotations found during source scanning or running the Suitability and Dependencies tools. It lists the annotation type, source location, and annotations label in a table-like grid format, where each annotation appears on a separate row. Intel® Advisor updates the listed annotations when changes occur to the specified source directories. For example, when you save a source file with a code editor.

Annotation Report Layout

  1. Analysis Workflow Tab

  2. Result Tab

  3. Annotation Report window grid

Use This

To Do This

Analysis Workflow tab

Run a tool of your choice and see results in the Result tab.

Result Tab

Select between available reports.

Annotation Report window grid

View a summary of the annotations found as well as data collected by the Suitability and Dependencies tools. Each annotation's data appears on a separate row in the grid. The columns are explained below.

Right-click a row in the Annotation Report window grid

Displays a context menu that lets you expand or collapse code snippets, edit corresponding source code using a code editor, copy data to the clipboard, or display context-sensitive help.

To sort the grid using a column's values, click on the column's heading. The columns of the grid are:

Use This Column

To Do This


View the type of annotation, such as Site, Task, or Lock.

To show or hide a code snippet showing the annotation, click the icon next to its name.

For information about each annotation type, see the help topic Summary of Annotation Types.

To view the source associated with an annotation in your code editor, double-click its name or a line in the code snippet (or right-click and select Edit Source from the context menu) in this column.

  • On Windows* OS:
    • When using Visual Studio, the Visual Studio code editor appears with the file open at the corresponding location.
      In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Advisor provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Advisor interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Advisor project.
    • When using the Intel® Advisor GUI, the file type association (or Open With dialog box) determines the editor used.
  • On Linux* OS: When using the Intel® Advisor GUI, the editor defined by the Options > Editor dialog box appears with the file open at the corresponding location.

Source Location

View the name of the source file that contains the annotation and the line number. Icons indicate where source is available or not available .

To view the source, double-click its name (or right-click and select Edit Source) in this column. The code editor appears.

Annotation Label

View the annotation's label (name).

To view the source associated with an annotation, double-click its name (or right-click and select Edit Source) in this column. The code editor appears.

When to View the Annotation Report

Use the Annotation Report window to view the types of annotations present in your project sources and access their locations. You can view the Annotation Report at any time to check the annotations. In addition:

  • Intel recommends that you view annotations during Adding Parallelism to Your Program workflow step to help you locate site, task, lock, and other annotations that should be replaced by parallel framework code.

  • When using the Intel Advisor product GUI, you can use this report to verify that the correct sources have been defined in the Project Properties > Source Search tab.