Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 6/24/2024

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Warning: Analysis of Debug Build


A message appears when you start the Survey or Suitability tools and the current build options selected for the project is a Debug build.


When measuring performance, using a version of the program for analysis that is close to the version that will be provided to customers provides the most accurate data. If you will provide a Release build for customers, run the Survey or Suitability tools with a Release build. You can run this tool with a Debug build if you will run it again with a Release build. To produce the best results, your build settings should specify debug information and moderate optimization.

When a tool is waiting for your input (click either Continue or Cancel), the result name has a [!] prefix. If you do not respond within several minutes, the tool implicitly chooses the Cancel button.


For the Survey or Suitability tools, you should use a Release build of your program, not a Debug build.

Possible Solution

  • Before you respond to the message, change to Release build settings and build the target executable. When it completes, click Continue to run the analysis.

  • Click Continue and ignore this message. Later, run this tool again with a target built using a Release build.

  • Click Cancel. Change your build settings to use a Release build and build the target executable. Then run the Intel® Advisor tool.


For the most current information on optimal C/C++ and Fortran build settings, see Build Your Target Application.