Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 7/13/2023

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Generating C++ Stubs

To generate stubs for a working C++ application:

  1. Create a graph in the canvas as described in the Adding Nodes, Edges, and Ports section.

  2. Save the graph as described in the Saving a Graph to a File section.

  3. Click the Generate C++ icon on the toolbar to create C++ files.

Generate C++ Stubs for a Hello World Sample

For example, below is a three-node graph you can use to create a Hello World sample. This graph consists of a source_node followed by two continue_node objects. The first node is named s0 and the next two nodes are named c0 and c1. All nodes have continue_msg objects as their input and/or output types. The body of each node is defined by its C++ Function Object field, as shown below.

To generate C++ stubs from this Hello Wo