Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 7/13/2023

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Choose a Small, Representative Data Set

When you run an analysis, the Intel® Advisor executes the target against the supplied data set. Data set size and workload have a direct impact on application execution time and analysis speed

For example, it takes longer to process a 1000x1000 pixel image than a 100x100 pixel image. A possible reason: You may have loops with an iteration space of 1...1000 for the larger image, but only 1...100 for the smaller image. The exact same code paths may be executed in both cases. The difference is the number of times these code paths are repeated.

You can control analysis cost without sacrificing completeness by minimizing this kind of unnecessary repetition from your target's execution.

Instead of choosing large, repetitive data sets, choose small, representative data sets that fully create tasks with minimal to moderate work per task. Minimal to moderate means just enough work to demonstrate all the different behaviors a task can perform.
