Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-41941B71-B728-4FF6-8EF1-059550064826
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-41941B71-B728-4FF6-8EF1-059550064826
Window: Threading Summary
After running Threading perspective, review a results summary that includes the most important information about your code. Click the Summary tab after running an analysis to view results.
Program Metrics Pane
View the main performance metrics of your program, such as execution time statistics, vector instruction set (and whether extensions, such as VNNI, are used), and number of CPU threads utilized. The section is broken down into several sub-sections:
- Performance characteristics: View execution time details, such as total CPU time and time spent in vectorized and scalar code.
If your application usesIntel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, you will see the MKL detail button in the Performance characteristics section, which toggles two additional columns: the User column, which reports time spent in your code and corresponding compute metrics, and the MKL column, which reports time spent in the oneMKL code and corresponding compute metrics.
- Vectorization Gain/Efficiency: View average estimated speedup of vectorized loops and total estimated program speedup.
The vectorization efficiency data is available only for vectorized loops in modules compiled with an Intel® compiler version 16 or higher.
- OP/S and Bandwidth: View GFLOPS and GINTOPS usage and cache bandwidth metrics compared to hardware peak. Hover the mouse over the Utilization column and click the
button to select single-core or multicore benchmarks utilization metrics.
NOTE:The OP/S and bandwidth metrics are available after you run the Trip Counts and FLOP analysis.
Per Program Recommendations Pane
View suggested changes for your program that you might want to apply to achieve better performance.
Top Time-consuming Loops Pane
View top five time-consuming loops sorted by total time with performance metrics, such as execution time statistics and vectorization efficiency with comparison to original scalar loop efficiency.
Suitability and Dependencies Analysis Data Pane
View information about predicted sharing problems for annotated parallel sites. The Maximum Site Gain column summarizes potential performance improvement achieved through threading. The Dependencies column summarizes the predicted data sharing problems. To display the Dependencies Report window at the corresponding parallel site location, click a function link under the Site Location column.
This information is available only after you run the Suitability or Dependencies analysis.
Recommendations Pane
View suggested changes with high confidence level for first five loops in the code that you might want to apply to achieve better performance. Click a recommendation link to access the recommendations texts.
Collection Details Pane
View execution statistics for each of the collectors, as well as the Collection Log, Application Output, and Collection Command Line links that lead to the corresponding report logs, command line and output details.
Application Output is available if you set output destination to Application Output window. To do this, go to File > Options > General > Application Output Destination and choose Application Output window.
Platform Information Pane
View the system information including software and hardware summary.