GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 817713
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

1.2.2. PIO Application

The PIO Application component performs the necessary translation between the PCI Express* TLPs and simple Avalon® memory-mapped interface writes and reads to the on-chip memory. The PIO component interfaces between the AXI Stream interface and Avalon® memory-mapped interface.

It decodes the TLP headers/data and converts it into Avalon® memory-mapped interface compatible instructions. A single write data TLP is converted into a single Avalon® memory-mapped interface write instruction for a write operation. For the read operation, it could be multiple data read back depending on the maximum payload size boundary. It reads and writes in 512-bits and supports contiguous byte enables. These operations are done in the Bursting Avalon® Master module in the PIO Application, which consists of four sub-modules:
  • Scheduler
  • Read Write module
  • Avalon® memory-mapped interface
  • Completion module