GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 817713
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

1.2.4. GTS System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP

The GTS System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP is required for PCIe* interface implementation on Agilex™ 5 devices to configure the reference clock for the System PLL. The reference clock to the System PLL must adhere to the following requirements:
  • If compliance with PCIe* link training timing specifications is required, the reference clock to the System PLL must be available and stable before device configuration begins. The reference clock should be derived from an independent and free-running clock source.
  • Alternatively, if the reference clock from the PCIe* link is guaranteed to be available before device configuration begins, you can use it to drive the System PLL. Once the PCIe* link refclk is running, it can never be allowed to go down.
Note: For more information, refer to the Implementing the Implementing the GTS System PLL Clocks Intel® FPGA IP section in the GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide.

Once the reference clock for the System PLL is up, it must be stable and present throughout the device operation and must not go down. If you are not able to adhere to this requirement, you must reconfigure the device.