GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 817713
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface

When Avalon® memory-mapped interface command from the Read Write module is available, the Avalon® memory-mapped Master state machine checks the Completion Buffer watermark to ensure it is not full and the Avalon® memory-mapped Master, the driver to the on-chip memory, is not in waitrequest.

When the conditions are met, the Avalon® memory-mapped Master state machine gets the Avalon® memory-mapped interface command or data and issues the write/read to the Avalon® memory-mapped Master.

Concurrently, the Avalon® memory-mapped interface data is directly flushed to the Avalon® memory-mapped Master. For read sequence, the returned data from the Avalon® memory-mapped Master is stored at the Completion Buffer and ready to move to Completion module.