Visible to Intel only — GUID: rwz1711747475017
A.1.1. ebfm_barwr Procedure
A.1.2. ebfm_barwr_imm Procedure
A.1.3. ebfm_barrd_wait Procedure
A.1.4. ebfm_barrd_nowt Procedure
A.1.5. ebfm_cfgwr_imm_wait Procedure
A.1.6. ebfm_cfgwr_imm_nowt Procedure
A.1.7. ebfm_cfgrd_wait Procedure
A.1.8. ebfm_cfgrd_nowt Procedure
A.1.9. BFM Configuration Procedures
A.1.10. BFM Shared Memory Access Procedures
A.1.11. BFM Log and Message Procedures
A.1.12. Verilog HDL Formatting Functions
Visible to Intel only — GUID: rwz1711747475017
1.2.1. GTS AXI Streaming IP—Design Under Test (DUT)
The GTS AXI Streaming IP design under test (DUT) with the parameters you specified as Endpoint interacting with the root complex/switch at the other end. This component translates the PCIe* serial link transfer to the AXI Stream interface and drives the TLP data received to the PIO application.
Note: For connection of the p0_pin_perst_n_i ports, refer to the GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide .