SmartVID Debug Checklist and Voltage Regulator Guidelines

ID 757318
Date 4/01/2024

1. Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel Agilex® 7 SmartVID Debug Checklist and Voltage Regulator Guidelines

This application note provides the checklist to assist you to rule out the possible causes of configuration failure due to SmartVID. You can identify the configuration failure caused by the SmartVID in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software based on the system error message as shown in the example below. For more information, refer to Table: Description of Subcode Error Messages and Table: PMBus Master Mode Checklist.

You may observe the following configuration error message in the System tab of the Intel® Quartus® Prime software if your device encounter issue related to the SmartVID.

System Error Message of Configuration Failure due to SmartVID in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software

Info (18942): Configuring device index 1
Error (18950): Device has stopped receiving configuration data
Error (18948): Error message received from device: Detected hardware access error. There is a failure in accessing external hardware. (Subcode 0x0032, Info 0x00000000, Location 0x0000C400)
Error (20072): A PMBUS error has occurred during configuration. Potential errors: Incorrect VID setting in Quartus Project. The target device fails to communicate to smart regulator or PMBUS Master on board.
Error (209012): Operation failed