Visible to Intel only — GUID: pla1681273643760
1. HDMI Intel® FPGA IP Design Example Quick Start Guide for Intel Agilex® 7 F-tile Devices
2. HDMI 2.1 Design Example (Support FRL = 1, Enable Active Video Protocol = None)
3. HDMI 2.1 Design Example with AXI4-stream Interface Enabled (Support FRL =1, Enable Active Video Protocol = AXIS-VVP Full)
4. Document Revision History for the F-Tile HDMI Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide
2.1. Design Features
2.2. Hardware and Software Requirements
2.3. HDMI 2.1 RX-TX Retransmit Design Block Diagram
2.4. Design Parameters
2.5. Design Components
2.6. Design Software Flow
2.7. Clocking Scheme
2.8. Interface Signals
2.9. Hardware Setup
2.10. Simulation Testbench
2.11. Debugging Features
3.7.1. HDMI 2.1 RX-TX Retransmit Design without Video Frame Buffer (Enable Active Video Protocol = AXIS-VVP Full, Video In and Out Use the Same Clock = ON)
3.7.2. HDMI 2.1 RX-TX Retransmit Design with Video Frame Buffer (Enable Active Video Protocol = AXIS-VVP Full, Video In and Out Use the Same = OFF)
3.7.3. Clock Details
Visible to Intel only — GUID: pla1681273643760
3.10. Design Limitation (AXI/CV)
The HDMI 2.1 Design Example has seen the following critical warnings during compilation:
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_50|rx_phy_1p500g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem0.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_50|rx_phy_1p500g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem1.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_50|rx_phy_1p500g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem2.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_50|rx_phy_1p500g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem3.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_31|rx_phy_3p400g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem0.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_31|rx_phy_3p400g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem1.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_31|rx_phy_3p400g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem2.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_31|rx_phy_3p400g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem3.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_47|rx_phy_1p800g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem0.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
u_hdmi_rx_top|gxb_rx_inst|u_rx_phy_47|rx_phy_1p800g|dphy_hip_inst|persystem1.perxcvr0.fgt.rx_ux.x_bb_f_ux_rx did not set the following parameters
These critical warnings can be safely ignored.
For more information regarding the above critical warnings, refer to the Configurable Intel Quartus Prime Software Settings chapter in the F-tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide.
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