F-Tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

2.2.5. Topologies

F-Tile-supported protocols use EMIBs, PMAs, and streams for the relevant hard IP. Because hard IPs in multi-protocol F-Tile designs share PMAs and EMIBs, specific pairings of PMAs and EMIBs are required to support different combinations of hard IPs, PTP-enabled ports, and bandwidths. These pairings are called topologies. F-Tile supports 15 pre-defined topologies, each with different constraints. Every F-Tile design must follow one of these topologies. You cannot dynamically reconfigure from one topology to another. Dynamic reconfiguration is allowed only within a topology.

Select a topology based on the following design considerations:

  • Do you need PCIe* ?
  • Do you need IEEE 1588 precision time protocol ports?
  • Do you need FHT PMA lanes?

If you need to implement multiple hard IPs, verify that there is a topology that meets your requirements.

  • If your F-Tile design does not utilize all tile resources, there may be more than one topology that meets your requirements.
  • If more than one topology meets your requirements, select the topology with the most PMAs and streams available to ensure that the maximum number of hard IPs can be implemented.
  • Use the F-Tile Channel Placement Tool to plan your design; it shows available PMA, stream, and EMIB locations for each topology.
Table 12.  F-Tile Topologies
Topology PCIe* Hard IP 400G Hard IP 200G Hard IP
Avail-ability Config-uration Avail-ability Configuration Avail-ability Configuration 4
PMA PTP Number of PMAs Number of Streams Number of PMAs Number of Streams
1 Yes 1x PCIe* x16 No N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A
2 Yes 2x PCIe* x8 No N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A
3 Yes 1x PCIe* x16 Yes FHT Yes 4 4 No N/A N/A
4 Yes 4x PCIe* x4 No N/A N/A N/A N/A No N/A N/A
5 No N/A Yes FHT No 4 16 Yes 8 8
6 No N/A Yes FHT Yes 4 16 Yes 6 6
6a No N/A Yes FGT (4) + FHT (4) Yes 8 16 Yes 6 6
7 Yes 1x PCIe* x4 Yes FHT Yes 4 16 No N/A N/A
8 Yes 1x PCIe* x8 Yes FHT Yes 4 10 No N/A N/A
9 Yes 2x PCIe* x4 Yes FHT Yes 4 10 No N/A N/A
10 No N/A Yes FGT No 8 16 Yes 8 8
11 No N/A Yes FGT Yes 8 16 Yes 6 6
12 Yes 1x PCIe* x8 Yes FGT Yes 8 11 No N/A N/A
13 Yes 2x PCIe* x4 Yes FGT Yes 8 11 No N/A N/A
14 Yes 1x PCIe* x4 Yes FGT Yes 12 16 No N/A N/A
15 No N/A Yes FGT Yes 16 16 No N/A N/A
For example:
  • Topology 2: 2x PCIe* x8:
    • The PCIe* hard IP implements two ports of PCIe* x8.
    • You cannot implement any other protocol interface in this F-Tile.
    • 400G hard IP and 200G hard IP are unavailable.
  • Topology 3: 1x PCIe* x16 + 400G Hard IP (FHT) with PTP is a superset of Topology 1: 1x PCIe* x16. That means if your target implementation works with Topology 1: 1x PCIe* x16, it also works with Topology 3: 1x PCIe* x16 + 400G Hard IP (FHT) with PTP.

  • Topology 6a: Mix of Topology 6 and 11. It uses the mixed transceiver mode for 400G Hard IP with four FHT PMA and four FGT PMA (Quad2). In this topology, the 200G Hard IP supports a maximum data rate of 150G with seven FGT PMAs (Quad0: 0-3 and Quad1: 0-2).

4 For 200G hard IP, all PMAs are FGT, and PTP is not available.