Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683768
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Using the Intel-provided Libraries with your Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS Project

To use the Intel-provided libraries with your Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS project, follow these steps:
  1. Download the library of your target device from the Download Center page found through the Support page on the Intel website.
  2. Create a copy of the appropriate .olb to maintain the original symbols. Place the copy in a convenient location, such as your Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS project directory.
  3. In the Project Manager window of the Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS software, click once on the Library folder to select it. On the Edit menu, click Project or right-click the Library folder and choose Add File to select the copy of the downloaded .olb and add it to your project. You can locate the new library in the list of part libraries for your project.
  4. On the Tools menu, click Generate Part. The Generate Part dialog box appears.
  5. In the Netlist/source file field, click Browse to specify the .pin in your Quartus® Prime design.
  6. From the Netlist/source file type list, select Altera Pin File.
  7. For Part name, type the name of the target device the same as it appears in the downloaded library file. For example, if you are using a device from the CYCLONE06.OLB library, type the part name to match one of the devices in this library such as ep1c6f256. You can rename the symbol in the Project Manager window after updating the part.
  8. Set the Destination part library to the copy of the downloaded library you added to the project.
  9. Select Update pins on existing part in library. Click OK.
  10. Click Yes.

    The symbol is updated with your pin assignments. Double-click the symbol in the Project Manager window to view and edit the symbol. On the View menu, click Package if you want to view and edit other sections of the symbol. If the symbol in the downloaded library is fractured into sections, you can edit each section but you cannot further fracture the part. You can generate a new part without using the downloaded part library if you require additional sections.

    For more information about creating, editing, and fracturing symbols in the Cadence Allegro Design Entry CIS software, refer to the Help in the software.