Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683768
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Generate Custom IBIS Models with the EDA Netlist Writer GUI

You can use the Quartus® Prime EDA Netlist Writer GUI to generate custom IBIS models.

IBIS files that you generate with the EDA Netlist Writer automatically include the RLC values for your current target device.

Before generating the custom IBIS model, you can specify I/O constraints to define things like drive strength, enabling of clamping diodes for ESD protection, and other settings. The custom IBIS models that EDA Netlist Writer generates then reflect the I/O assignments.

To generate custom IBIS models with the EDA Netlist Writer GUI, follow these steps:

  1. To specify the format, version, and output location of the generated model files, click Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings.
  2. Under Board Level signal integrity analysis, specify IBIS for the Format, the supported IBIS version that you want, and the location of the Output directory for the generated files.
  3. Click Assignments > Device. In the Device dialog box, click the Device and Pin Options button and review and specify any optional IBIS settings, as Board Level Signal Integrity Analysis Settings describes.
  4. To run the EDA Netlist Writer to generate the custom IBIS model files, click Processing > Start > Start EDA Netlist Writer.
Figure 3. Board Level Signal Integrity Analysis Settings