Visible to Intel only — GUID: tfo1673969616864
1. Answers to Top FAQs
2. Introduction to Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing
3. System Requirements and Prerequisites
4. Downloading and Installing Intel FPGA Software
5. Licensing Intel® FPGA Software
6. About Intel® FPGA Software License Files
A. Getting Hardware Information for License
B. Using the Intel FPGA Self-Service Licensing Center
C. Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Archives
D. Document Revision History for Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing
4.1. Software Available in the FPGA Software Download Center
4.2. Installation Path
4.3. Downloading and Installing with Individual Executable Files
4.4. Downloading and Installing Using .tar Files
4.5. Setting Intel® Quartus® Prime Environment Variables
4.6. Starting the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
4.7. Installing Programming Cable Drivers
4.8. Installing and Configuring a JTAG Server
4.9. Adding Device Support and Other Intel FPGA Software to Existing Installation
4.10. Managing Multiple Versions and Copies of Intel FPGA Software
4.11. Updating Intel FPGA Software
4.12. Uninstalling Intel FPGA Software
5.1.1. Intel® Quartus® Prime Software License
5.1.2. Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Software License
5.1.3. Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition and Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition Software License
5.1.4. Intellectual Property (IP) Cores Licenses
5.1.5. Development Kits Containing the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
5.1.6. Nios® II Embedded Design Suite License
5.1.7. Siemens EDA* AXI Verification IP Suite License (Intel FPGA Edition)
5.1.8. University Program Software Licenses
5.5.1. Installing the FLEXlm License Manager Server Software on Another License Server
5.5.2. Upgrading the FLEXlm License Manager Server Software
5.5.3. (Windows Only) Starting and Stopping the License Server
5.5.4. (Windows Only) Starting the License Server Automatically
5.5.5. Rereading an Existing License File on a License Server
B.1. Using the License Assistant
B.2. Getting a License File with Your New Purchase
B.3. Viewing Licenses
B.4. Filtering Your Licenses
B.5. Viewing and Generating a Legacy License
B.6. Viewing Licenses or License Files Associated to a Computer
B.7. Regenerating a License File
B.8. Generating a Temporary Checkout License
B.9. Generating a Companion License
B.10. Renewing Your License
B.11. Managing a Computer Profile
B.12. Rehosting a License on a Different Computer
B.13. Rehosting All Licenses from Current Computer to a Different Computer
B.14. Rehosting Multiple/Partial Licenses from Current Computer to a Different Computer
B.15. Sharing a License with Another User
B.16. Adding Delegate Administrators to Your Licenses and Computers
B.17. Splitting Seats on Your License and Generating Licenses
B.18. Merging or Adding Seats on Your License and Generating License
B.19. Adding Floating Seats
B.20. Signing Up for an Evaluation or Free License
B.21. Signing Up For an Employee License
Visible to Intel only — GUID: tfo1673969616864
B.20. Signing Up for an Evaluation or Free License
- Select Sign up for Evaluation or Free Licenses.
- Select the Evaluation or free license product that you want to sign up.
- Enter the number of seats in the # of Seats column.
- Select the Terms of Use checkbox to accept the terms of use.
- Click Get License.
- Add one or more optional license features.
Note: This option is only available when an evaluation or free license has optional license features configured to it.
- Assign a computer that you have previously added to your account or add a new computer.