Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 4/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Internet Connectivity Options

You can specify the following internet connectivity options that determine how the Intel® Quartus® Prime software connects to the internet for various functions, such as accessing Help and design examples, with either of the following:
  • Click Tools > Options > Internet Connectivity


  • Click More Settings on the Design Example page of the New Project Wizard (File > New Project Wizard).

The following options are available on the Internet Connectivity options page.

Table 3.  Internet Connectivity Options
Option Description
Web browser Specifies the web browser that deploys when the Intel® Quartus® Prime software accesses the internet, including the Intel FPGA Design Store web page. Enable Use custom web browser to specify the path to your preferred supported web browser.
Proxy server Specify options if connecting to the internet through a proxy server. To access online design examples specify the appropriate option:
  • Access online design examples using a proxy server—turn on this option if you are connected to the internet through a VPN. Turn off this option if you are not connected to the internet through a VPN (such as connection through a private network).
Figure 9. Internet Connectivity Page