Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Best Practices Guide

ID 683152
Date 1/23/2025
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9.2. Sharing an Expensive Compute Block

With a system of tasks, you can share hardware resources at a function level. A component or another HLS task can invoke an HLS task multiple times. All ihc::launch and ihc::collect calls to the same function share the same hardware.

To allow for calls from multiple places to a task, the Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition generates arbitration logic to the called task function. This arbitration logic can increase the area utilization of the component. However, if the shared logic is large, the trade-off can help you save FPGA resources. The savings can be especially noticed when your component has a large compute block that is not always active.

Review the tutorial <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/system_of_tasks/resource_sharing to see a simple example of how to share a compute block in component.