Visible to Intel only — GUID: axa1566448364572
Visible to Intel only — GUID: axa1566448364572
5.2. Control LSUs For Your Variable-Latency MM Host Interfaces
Controlling the type of load-store units (LSUs) that the Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition uses to interact with variable-latency Memory Mapped (MM) Host interfaces can help save area in your design. You might also encounter situations where disabling static coalescing of a load/store with other load/store operations benefits the performance of your design.
Review the following tutorial to learn about controlling LSUs: <quartus_installdir>/hls/examples/tutorials/best_practices/lsu_control.
To see if you need to use LSU controls, review the High-Level Design Reports for your component, especially the Function Memory Viewer, to see if the memory access pattern (and its associated LSUs) inferred by the Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition match your expected memory access pattern. If they do not match, consider controlling the LSU type, LSU coalescing, or both.
Control the Type of LSU Created
The Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition creates either burst-coalesced LSUs or pipelined LSUs.
In general, use burst-coalesced LSUs when an LSU is expected to process many load/store requests to memory words that are consecutive. The burst-coalesced LSU attempts to "dynamically coalesce" the requests into larger bursts in order to utilize memory bandwidth more efficiently.
The pipelined LSU consumes significantly less FPGA area, but processes load/store requests individually without any coalescing. This processing is useful when your design is tight on area or when the accesses to the variable-latency MM Host interface are not necessarily consecutive.
component void
dut(mm_host<int, dwidth<128>, awidth<32>, aspace<4>, latency<0>, waitrequest<1>> &Buff1,
mm_host<int, dwidth<32>, awidth<32>, aspace<5>, latency<0>, waitrequest<1>> &Buff2) {
int Temp[SIZE];
using pipelined = lsu<style<PIPELINED>>;
using burst_coalesced = lsu<style<BURST_COALESCED>>;
for (int i = 0; i<SIZE; i++) {
Temp[i] = burst_coalesced::load(&Buff1[i]); // Burst-Coalesced LSU
for (int i = 0; i<SIZE; i++) {
pipelined::store(&Buff2[i], 2*Temp[i]); // Pipelined LSU
Disable Static Coalescing
Static coalescing is typically beneficial because it reduces the total number of LSUs in your design by statically combining multiple load/store operations into wider load/store operations
However, there are cases where static coalescing leads to unaligned accesses, which you might not want to occur. There are also cases where multiple loads/stores get coalesced even though you intended for only a subset of them to be operational at a time. In these cases, consider disable static coalescing for the load/store operations that you did not want to be coalesced.
component int dut(mm_host<int, dwidth<256>, awidth<32>, aspace<1>, latency<0>, waitrequest<1>> &Buff1, int i, bool Cond1, bool Cond2) { using no_coalescing = lsu<style<PIPELINED>, static_coalescing<false>>; int Val = 0; if (Cond1) { Val = no_coalescing::load(&Buff1[i]); } if (Cond2) { Val = no_coalescing::load(&Buff1[i + 1]); } return Val; }