Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for Fortran

ID 766686
Date 7/13/2023

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Data Fitting Functions

Data Fitting functions in Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) provide spline-based interpolation capabilities that you can use to approximate functions, function derivatives or integrals, and perform cell search operations.

The Data Fitting component is task based. The task is a data structure or descriptor that holds the parameters related to a specific Data Fitting operation. You can modify the task parameters using the task editing functionality of the library.

For definition of the implemented operations, see Mathematical Conventions.

Data Fitting routines use the following workflow to process a task:

  1. Create a task or multiple tasks.
  2. Modify the task parameters.
  3. Perform a Data Fitting computation.
  4. Destroy the task or tasks.

All Data Fitting functions fall into the following categories:

Task Creation and Initialization Routines - routines that create a new Data Fitting task descriptor and initialize the most common parameters, such as partition of the interpolation interval, values of the vector-valued function, and the parameters describing their structure.

Task Configuration Routines - routines that set, modify, or query parameters in an existing Data Fitting task.

Computational Routines - routines that perform Data Fitting computations, such as construction of a spline, interpolation, computation of derivatives and integrals, and search.

Task Destructors - routines that delete Data Fitting task descriptors and deallocate resources.

You can access the Data Fitting routines through the Fortran and C89/C99 language interfaces. You can also use the C89 interface with more recent versions of C/C++, or the Fortran 90 interface with programs written in Fortran 95.

The ${MKL}/includedirectory of the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) contains the following Data Fitting header files:

  • mkl_df.f90
You can find examples that demonstrate usage of Data Fitting routines in the ${MKL}/examples/datafittingf directory.