Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 7/13/2023

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Dialog Box: Options-State Management

To access this Intel Inspector dialog box:

  • From the Visual Studio* menu, choose Tools > Options.... In the Options dialog box, expand the Intel Inspector <version> folder and choose the State Management page.

    In Visual Studio* 2022, Intel Inspector provides lightweight integration. You can configure and compile your application and open the standalone Intel Inspector interface from the Visual Studio for further analysis. All your settings will be inherited by the standalone Intel Inspector project.
  • From the Standalone Intel Inspector GUI menu, choose File > Options.... In the Options dialog box, choose the State Management page.

Intel Inspector uses a difference processor to set problem states in future results based on problem states in a baseline result. Use this dialog box to choose a baseline result.

Use This

To Do This

Get problem results from previous result of same analysis type radio button

Focus on only those issues that require your attention by setting problem state in future results to:

  • New for all problems not present in the baseline result

  • Not Fixed for all problems marked New in the baseline result

  • Regression for all problems marked Fixed in the baseline result

If the Intel Inspector cannot find a suitable previous result of the same analysis type, it sets problem state for all problems in future results to New.

Get problem states from a specific result radio button, path field, and Browse button

Set problem states in future results the same as above when your source code is undergoing branched development and you need to configure the difference processor to compare against a more appropriate previous result.

Do not get problem states from another result radio button

Set problem state for all problems in future results to New.