Software Provider

Industry: Cities and Transportation | Available Territories: Global

About This Partner and Product

  • Product Name: CrowdOptic Intersect*

  • Targeted Geographies: Europe, North America, South America, Central America, Asia, Pacific and Japan, Africa and Middle East

  • Industry: Cities and Transportation

  • Competency: Video Analytics




CrowdOptic provides Intelligent Camera Control systems that use AI and triangulation algorithms at the network edge to analyze and redirect cameras, providing actionable information and intelligence to enterprise clients and public safety agencies.

About the Product

CrowdOptic Intersect*

CrowdOptic Intersect* is an efficient live streaming and video analytics platform for smart cities.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel components: Intel® Core™ processorIntel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPUIntel® Xeon® processor