High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2E) Interface Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 773264
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.5.4. Error Login Registers

These per-pseudo-channel registers log the first error on the read/write command. Error data is held by hardware until you clear the lock bit on the register.

To access the write register for Log 0, Log 1, Log 2, or Log 3, issue the read command to the offset 0x540h/0x544/0x548/0x54C for pseudo-channel 0 and 0x840/0x844/0x848/0x84C for pseudo-channel 1.

To access the read register for Log 0, Log 1, Log 2, or Log 3, issue the read command to the offset 0x550h/0x554/0x558/0x55C for pseudo-channel 0 and 0x850/0x854/0x858/0x85C for pseudo-channel 1.

Table 37.  Write Command Log 0 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
14:0 RO 15'b0 AWID Write ID for the error transaction.
15 RO 1'b0 Reserved. Reserved.
23:16 RO 8'b0 AWLEN Write Burst length for the error transaction.
26:24 RO 3'b0 AWSIZE Write Burst size for the error transaction.
28:27 RO 2'b0 AWBURST Write Burst type for the error transaction.
29 RO 1'b0 AWLOCK Write Lock type for the error transaction.
31:30 RO 2'b0 Reserved. Reserved.

Table 38.  Write Command Log 1 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
31:0 RO 32'b0 AWADDR_LO Lower 32-bits of write address for the error transaction.

Table 39.  Write Command Log 2 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
31:0 RO 32'b0 AWADDR_HI Upper 32-bits of write address for the error transaction.

Table 40.  Write Command Log 3 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
2:0 RO 3'b0 AWPROT Write protection type for the error transaction.
6:3 RO 4'b0 AWQOS Write QOS for the error transaction.
30:7 RO 24'b0 Reserved. Reserved.
31 RW1C 1'b0 R_AWHDRLOG_LOCK This bit is set when 0540h/0840h- 054Fh/084Fh registers are captured. Software write 1 to clears it.

Table 41.  Read Command Log 0 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
14:0 RO 15'b0 ARID Read ID for the error transaction.
15 RO 1'b0 Reserved. Reserved.
23:16 RO 8'b0 ARLEN Read Burst length for the error transaction.
26:24 RO 3'b0 ARSIZE Read Burst size for the error transaction.
28:27 RO 2'b0 ARBURST Read Burst type for the error transaction.
29 RO 1'b0 ARLOCK Read Lock type for the error transaction.
31:30 RO 2'b0 Reserved. Reserved.

Table 42.  Read Command Log 1 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
31:0 RO 32'b0 ARADDR_LO Lower 32-bits of read address for the error transaction.

Table 43.  Read Command Log 2 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
31:0 RO 32'b0 ARADDR_HI Upper 32-bits of read Address for the error transaction.

Table 44.  Read Command Log 3 Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
2:0 RO 3'b0 ARPROT Read protection type for the error transaction.
6:3 RO 4'b0 ARQOS Read QOS for the error transaction.
30:7 RO 24'b0 Reserved. Reserved.
31 RW1C 1'b0 R_ARHDRLOG_LOCK This bit is set when 0550h/0850h- 055Fh/085Fh registers are captured. Software clears it.