High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2E) Interface Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 773264
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.5.5. Error Injection Registers

You can use the error injection registers to inject errors (single-bit, double-bit) to test your error handling logic. You can also use them to check the status of injected errors.

To read the error injection control registers, issue a read command to the register at the offset 32’h0600 for pseudo-channel 0 and 32’h0900 for the pseudo-channel 1.

Table 45.  Responder Error Injection Control Registers
Bits Access Default Name Description
[1:0] RW 2’b00 R_INJ_ERR

2’b00: No operation.

2’b01: Initiator injects errors just once for all selected errors through R_ERRINJ register.

2’b1x: Initiator injects errors, the count determined by R_INJ_CNT, for all selected errors through R_ERRINJ register.

[4:2] RW 3’b000 R_INJ_CNT Indicates the count of error injected. Default indicates error injected for one transfer. 3’b111 means error injected for eight consecutive transfers.
[31:5]     Reserved * Reserved.
* When bits are marked as reserved, it is essential that software treat these bits as set to zero. Any non-zero value written to the reserved bits may result in unexpected or undefined behavior.

To read the error injection registers, issue a read command to the register at the offset 32’h0604 for pseudo-channel 0 and 32’h0904 for the pseudo-channel 1.

Table 46.  Responder Error Injection Register
Bits Access Default Name Description
[0] RW 1’b0 DRAM_SBE_INJ Indicates single-bit Error (SBE) Injection on generated ECC in Responder.
[1] RW 1’b0 DRAM_DBE_INJ Indicates double-bit Error (DBE) Injection on generated ECC in Responder.
[16:2]     Reserved * Reserved.
[17]] RW 1’b0 BRESP_BIT0_INJ

1: Response bit is flipped on the interface.

0: Response bit is normal on the interface.

[18] RW 1’b0 BRESP_BIT1_INJ

1: Response bit is flipped on the interface.

0: Response bit is normal on the interface.

[24:19]     Reserved * Reserved.
[25] RW 1’b0 RRESP_BIT0_INJ

1: Response bit is flipped on the interface.

0: Response bit is normal on the interface.

[26] RW 1’b0 RRESP_BIT1_INJ

1: Response bit is flipped on the interface.

0: Response bit is normal on the interface.

[31:27]     Reserved * Reserved.