Agilex™ 7 Configuration User Guide

ID 683673
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Storing Option Bits

In addition to design data, the flash memory stores the option bits. You must specify the address for the options bits in two places: the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP and in the option bits address of the flash memory device.

The option bits contain the following information:

  • The start address for each page.
  • The .pof version for flash programming. This value is the same for all pages.
  • The Page-Valid bits for each page. The Page-Valid bit is bit 0 of the start address. The Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP writes this bit after successfully programming the page.

You set the option bits in the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP using the parameter editor. By default, the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP displays Flash Programming for the What operating mode will be used? parameter. In this default state, the FPGA Configuration tab is not visible. Select either FPGA Configuration or Flash Programming and FPGA Configuration for the What operating mode will be used parameter on the General tab. The following figure shows the FPGA Configuration option.

Figure 27. General Tab of the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP

Specify the options bits hex address for the What is the base address of the option bits, in hex? parameter on the FPGA Configuration tab.

Figure 28. FPGA Configuration Tab of the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP

You use the Programming File Generator dialog box to specify the Start address of the option bits. Specify your flash device using Add Device on the Configuration Tab of the Programming File Generator dialog box. Then click OPTIONS and EDIT to specify the Start address for the option bits. This Start address must match the address you specify for What is the byte address of the option bits, in hex? when specifying the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP parameters.

The Quartus® Prime Programming File Generator generates the information for the .pof version when you convert the .sofs to .pofs. The value for the .pof version for Agilex™ 7 is 0x05. The following table shows an example of page layout for a .pof using all eight pages. This example stores the .pof version at 0x80.

Table 21.  Option Bits Sector Format
Sector Offset Value
0x000x03 Page 0 start address
0x040x07 Page 0 end address
0x080x0B Page 1 start address
0x0C0x0F Page 1 end address
0x100x13 Page 2 start address
0x140x17 Page 2 end address
0x180x1B Page 3 start address
0x1C0x1F Page 3 end address
0x200x23 Page 4 start address
0x240x27 Page 4 end address
0x280x2B Page 5 start address
0x2C0x2F Page 5 end address
0x300x33 Page 6 start address
0x340x37 Page 6 end address
0x380x3B Page 7 start address
0x3C0x3F Page 7 end address
0x400x7F Reserved
0x80 9 .pof version
0x81-0xFF Reserved
To prevent the Parallel Flash Loader II Intel® FPGA IP from malfunctioning, do not overwrite any information in the option bits sector. Always store the option bits in unused addresses in the flash memory device.
9 The .pof version occupies only one byte in the option bits sector.