Errata Sheet and Guidelines for MAX 10 ES Devices

ID 683630
Date 6/12/2015

1.3. Timing Model Adjustment

To better align the Quartus® II timing models with silicon characterization, Altera recommends adjusting the timing for I/O-to-Core and Core-to-I/O data transfer in MAX® 10 ES devices. For temporary solution, add 300 ps (0.3 ns) clock uncertainty in TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.

To add 300 ps (0.3 ns) clock uncertainty in TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, add the following constraints in the Synopsys Design Constraints File (.sdc):

  • set_clock_uncertainty –setup –to <clock name> -setup –add 0.3
  • set_clock_uncertainty –hold –enable_same_physical_edge –to <clock name> –add 0.3

For example:

set_clock_uncertainty -to { inst|altpll_component|auto_generated|pll1|clk[1] } -setup 0.3

After adding the .sdc file constraint, a clock uncertainty row is added in Data Required Path in the timing report.

Figure 1. Timing Report Before 300 ps Clock Uncertainty is Added
Figure 2. Timing Report After 300 ps Clock Uncertainty is Added