AN 721: Creating an FPGA Power Tree

ID 683564
Date 6/30/2019

Obtaining Power Requirements with the Early Power Estimator

Your FPGA's power consumption is determined by the implementation of your FPGA design. Design components such as logic requirements, the quantity and type of I/Os, the quantity and speed of transceivers, and the use of other FPGA features contribute to your FPGA's power consumption. You must understand your FPGA power requirements to create an FPGA power tree.
  1. Calculate your FPGA power requirements with the Microsoft Excel-based Early Power Estimator (EPE) spreadsheet.
  2. Estimate power consumption at any point in your design cycle, including before you begin your design, or before your design is complete.
    The EPE spreadsheet allows you to submit estimates of how you will use the various resource blocks in your FPGA. When you enter your estimates, the EPE spreadsheet automatically estimates the required power consumption. For detailed information on using the EPE spreadsheet, see the Early Power Estimator for Intel® Arria® 10 User Guide.
Intel recommends switching from the EPE spreadsheet to the Power Analyzer in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software when your design is available. The Power Analyzer can access the implemented design details to produce more accurate results. For detailed information on using the Power Analyzer, refer toIntel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization.