Streaming DMA Accelerator Functional Unit User Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005

ID 683424
Date 11/04/2019

5. Running the AFU Example

Before you begin:
  • Intel recommends you refer to the Quick Start Guide for your Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 to be familiar with running similar examples. Before you proceed through the following steps, verify that the OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT environment variable is set to the OPAE SDK installation directory.
  • You must also set up two 1 GB hugepages to run the sample application using the instruction below:
    sudo sh -c "echo 2 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB\nr_hugepages"

Perform the following steps to download the Streaming DMA Accelerator Function (AF) bitstream, to build the application and driver, and to run the design example:

  1. Change to the Streaming DMA application and driver directory:
    cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/streaming_dma_afu/sw
  2. Build the driver and application:
  3. Download the streaming DMA AFU bitstream:
    sudo fpgasupdate ../bin/streaming_dma_afu_unsigned.gbs
  4. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from host memory to the FPGA pattern checker:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l off -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -r mtos -t fixed
  5. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from the FPGA pattern generator to host memory:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l off -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -r stom -t fixed
  6. Execute the host application to transfer 100 MB in 1 MB portions from host memory back to host memory in loopback mode:
    ./fpga_dma_st_test -l on -s 104857600 -p 1048576 -t fixed -f 0