Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 683326
Date 9/16/2015
Document Table of Contents Creating an SD Card Image

To create a file named sd-angstrom-v2014.12-arria10swvp.img that can be used as the SD card image, type the following:
cd <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/Software/arria10/linux/buildsocvpsd
arria10swvp arria10_swvp

This script creates the sd-angstrom-v2014.12-arria10swvp.img file. This file must be writeable by the user who runs the virtual platform. To give the user write permissions type:

sudo chown $USER:$USER sd-angstrom-v2014.12-arria10swvp.img

Move this image file to the Linux binary directory in one of two ways:

  • Move the new file to <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/Software/arria10/linux.
  • Update <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/parameters_Arria10.txt to point to this file.