Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 683326
Date 9/16/2015
Document Table of Contents Updating the Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform Linux Kernel Image

Run the build script by typing the following:
cd <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/Software/arria10/linux/buildsocvpelf

./ <PATH_TO_ANGSTROM_DIR>/angstrom_socfpga/deploy/glibc/images/\
arria10swvp/zImage \
socfpga_arria10_swvp.dtb \
linux-system-sd.elf \

This script creates the linux-system-sd.elf file. You can replace a similar file contained in the Linux binary package in one of two ways:

  • Move the new file to <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/Software/arria10/linux.
  • Update <PATH_TO_VP_INSTALL>/parameters_Arria10.txt to point to the new file.

Once the script has completed, you can run the virtual platform using the instructions in the "Executing the Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform" section.