O-RAN Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683218
Date 9/14/2021

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2.3.1. Generating and Downloading the Programming .elf File

Generate and download the .elf file for the O-RAN IP design example to the development board. For Intel® Stratix® 10 designs and Intel Agilex E-tile only.
  1. Change the directory to <design_example_dir>/synthesis/quartus.
  2. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, click Open Project and open <design_example_dir>/synthesis/quartus/oran_ed.qpf.
  3. Select Tools > Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse.
    The Workspace Launcher window prompt appears.
  4. In the workspace specify the path as <design_example_dir>/synthesis/quartus to store your Eclipse project. A new Nios II - Eclipse window appears.
  5. In the Nios II - Eclipse window, right-click under Project Explorer tab, and select New > Nios II Board Support Package.
    Figure 14. Project Explorer Window
  6. In the Nios II Board Support Package window:
    1. In the Project name parameter, specify your desired project name.
    2. In the SOPC Information File name parameter, browse to the location of <design_example_dir>/synthesis/ip_components/nios_system/nios_system.sopcinfo file.
    3. Click Finish.
    Figure 15. Nios II Board Support Package Window
    The newly created project appears under Project Explorer tab in Nios II - Eclipse window.
  7. Right-click under Project Explorer tab and select Nios II > Nios II Command Shell.
    Figure 16. Project Explorer - Nios II Command Shell
  8. In the Nios® II Command Shell, type the three following commands:
    nios2-bsp hal bsp <design_example_dir>/synthesis/ip_components/nios_system/nios_system.sopcinfo
    nios2-app-generate-makefile --app-dir app --bsp-dir bsp --elf-name nios_system.elf --src-dir <design_example_dir>/synthesis/compilation/ed_fw
    make --directory=app
  9. Type the following command in the Nios® II Command Shell to download the .elf software application to the board:
    nios2-download -g -r -c 1 -d 2 --accept-bad-sysid app/nios_system.elf