F-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683140
Date 8/19/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.19. VF Error Flag Interface Signals

Table 81.  VF Error Flag Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Port Type Clock Domain Description



p#_vf_err_poisonedwrreq_s2_o (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_poisonedwrreq_s3_o (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates a Poisoned Write Request is received.



p#_vf_err_poisonedcompl_s2_o (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_poisonedcompl_s3_o (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates a Poisoned Completion is received.


p#_vf_err_ ur_posted_s1_o

p#_vf_err_ur_posted_s2_o (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_ur_posted_s3_o (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates a Posted UR request is received.



p#_vf_err_ca_postedreq _s2_o (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_ca_postedreq _s3_o (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates a Posted CA request is received.



p#_vf_err_vf_num_s2_o[10:0] (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_vf_num_s3_o[10:0] (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates the VF number for which the error is detected.



p#_vf_err_num_s2_o[2:0] (p0 only)

p#_vf_err_num_s3_o[2:0] (p0 only)

Output EP coreclkout_hip Indicates the physical function number associated with the VF that has the error.
p#_vf_err_overflow_o Output EP coreclkout_hip

Indicates a VF error FIFO overflow and a loss of an error report.

The overflow can happen when coreclkout_hip is slower than the default value.

If coreclkout_hip is running at the default frequency, the overflow will not happen.

p#_user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_i Input EP coreclkout_hip Indicates the user application sent a non-fatal error message in response to an error detected.
p#_user_vfnonfatalmsg_vfnum_i[10:0] Input EP coreclkout_hip Indicates the VF number for which the error message was generated. This bus is valid when user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_s0_i is high.
p#_user_vfnonfatalmsg_func_num_i[2:0] Input EP coreclkout_hip Indicates the PF number associated with the VF with the error. This bus is valid when user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_s0_i is high.