Visible to Intel only — GUID: yjl1661843273645
Visible to Intel only — GUID: yjl1661843273645
55.2.1. Avalon® Memory-Mapped Agent Interface and Registers
The user interface to the Lightweight UART core consists of eight registers: control, status, RXFIFO, TXFIFO, RXFIFO_LVL, TXFIFO_LVL, divisor and endofpacket. A host peripheral, such as a Nios® II or Nios® V processor, accesses the registers to control the core and transfer data over the serial connection.
The Lightweight UART core provides an active-high Interrupt Request (IRQ) output that can request an interrupt when new data has been received, or when the core is ready to transmit another character.
For further details, refer to the Interval Timer Core section.